Friday, August 1, 2008

3 out of 3

wedding season has come and gone here at the miller household. we had the great joy of attending and participating in three weddings in july and on successive weekends at that! a trip to bemidji for my good friend rosita and jorn's wedding last weekend brought our marathon to a beautiful end. we managed to take a few pictures in between naomi's fussing including some lovely ones of the bride with naomi!

"dearly beloved we are gathered here in the sight of God..."

signing the registry!

naomi's taken with rosita

we spent the weekend with mum, dad (who are now back from their travels) and sam. it was good to hear of mum and dad's escapades and make meals together. of course they thoroughly enjoyed naomi who graced them with her brilliant smiles and adorable squeals. she is a great delight to us. we can't believe how much she has grown and still grin from ear to ear when she "talks" to us and bursts into smiles. wow. God has blessed us indeed.

we are trying to make the best of the summer, though honestly i'm finding it a bit too hot for my liking, especially without air conditioning. we always get to this part of the summer and wish we had it but convince ourselves its only a few weeks more of sweltering. so we have taken to shutting all the windows in the day time in order to keep the hot humid air out and once the cool air arrives in the evening we fling the windows open and welcome fresh air in. meanwhile ethan works on strategic placement of the fans for optimum airflow. its working... sort of. sometimes i think we are too green for our own good!

speaking of green, i am embarking on one of my most challenging endeavor in naomi's care to date. as some of you know, we are using cloth diapers (nappies for you brits reading this) for naomi. and we have been very blessed to have a diaper service here in minneapolis, that delivers pristine diapers and takes soiled ones away. sadly, i discovered on monday that they are going out of business. as i am (for now) committed to cloth, this leaves me one option: cloth diapering by danielle! so i'm gathering my supplies to be ready when the final delivery runs out. today, i bought a washable diaper pail liner. its all very exciting (to me, i know i'm a nerd!) and a bit scary too. watch this space for how it turns out!