Thursday, September 4, 2008

fall is on its way

we three millers are very well. thrilled to be embracing the coolness of fall... at long last! there seems to a real energy for the coming months. i am sure some of that is the sheer excitement we experience every time naomi smiles, giggles, or "talks"! there is certainly a beauty in watching a child grow and change. and naomi is no exception, she's a joy to be around. her smiles (and dimples!!!) warm your heart. she is now three and a half months old! how time has flown. she has outgrown her bassinet and moved into her very own crib! a milestone of sorts. and she is growing fast, its a great feeling to see her grow out of clothes and into clothes that once looked so big! we are really enjoying being her parents.

as far as our own news. ethan has the great blessing of working a set schedule with his valet job and get this... its weekday daytime hours!!! what a wonderful provision. he's still working part-time as a video editor but now we get to see him on nights and weekends! we did have a little piece of bad news that turned out to be a good thing. driving back from helping my parents pack up their house, our car broke down on the side of the interstate. we were rescued by a wonderful, compassionate woman, who proceeded to help us find an honest mechanic and tower and convinced her husband to drop us off in minneapolis on his way for a guys night out. God's provision for sure. it turned out that our car had a hole in the engine block about 9 inches in diameter! the mechanic told us it was essentially toast. this car has been trouble since we got it. right after we bought it, it had problems and required more than what we had payed for it to fix it. not to mention that despite all our best efforts we never received our title from the seller. so we happily let our old saturn go. we are currently borrowing ethan's parents car but we have been very blessed to have my parents give us their oldsmobile, affectionately known as the grey goose. we'll be driving it soon. look for us around town, we'll be the one with the hillary bumper magnet. i joke, i wish it could be hillary, it will instead be... well what do you think?

we're really looking forward to the visit of my dear friend jennifer from scotland! she'll be with us for three weeks. its going to be great, we're busy planning all sorts of great minnesota fun for her to experience. but because she's reading this, i'll leave them a surprise! can't wait to see you darling!

oh and in case any of you are wondering, the cloth diapering is going very well. we're still figuring out what works and what doesn't as far as detergent and pre-soaking goes. we did just receive notice that another diaper service is starting up in the twin cities, so we'll see if it remains diapers by danielle or not.

also i have begun another project of my very own: baking bread. aided by the beloved, beautiful and ultimate domestic goddess, nigella lawson and my trusty kitchenaid, i have succeeded in baking my own bread in my own oven and am i ever proud of myself!!! if any of you are as afraid of yeast/rising as i was i encourage you to follow nigella's advice, she's brilliant and takes all the guess work out of it for you whilst making you feel like you are an accomplished master of your own kitchen.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

beautiful picture of naomi. :)

i love that you said "I joke"

i'm glad you're still cloth diapering...

i can't wait to taste your bread

i'm sorry about your car... but yea... goosy goo you get to go in the grey goose! :)